Thursday, June 27, 2013

to shell or not to shell

For every developer (maybe except for windows developers), one of the most important tools is the TERMINAL, that amazing window is just a door to a fully operative set of element than could give you access to the most powerful ways to control systems.

At the end, the terminal is just a window, what give you more or less option depending of the SHELL that you are using (bash, zsh, csh, etc), but wait, the shell is also a set of commands that interact with the commands available in the OS, because we are developers and we need to help, invent, create, collaborate, etc; we have created tools called frameworks that try to get more a more from the SHELLs.

Thanks to Sergio Rodriguez and because installing ruby and rvm I destroyed my shell configuration, I got hands on one of those frameworks, it is called bash-it, obviously related to bash shell and a plugin/theme based, my first impression was a simple "well, it is good but i miss my previous shell colors", the day after that event I started falling in love with shortcuts, functionality and look and feel.. it was awesome.

But then, Edgar Gonzalez suggested me to test oh-my-zsh, this time a zsh oriented framework that made me said OMG, it is plenty of tools, plugins, themes (in fact they are no accepting themes collaborations because of the big amount of themes available). Playing with that was amazing!

Now, if you ask me for the best one or which one should you use? the answer is: "it depends", are you going to use everything that is available in oh-my-zsh? or, is it enough with the functionality available in bash-it? those are interesting question that only you could answer.

In my case, I am a simple guy, I am not a guy of luxury, and more important.. I love bash, so my "personal" choice is clear.

So, the answer to the title is, OF COURSE, YOU HAVE TO SHELL, and test the different tools. I just hope you enjoy yours as I am enjoying mine.


  1. It's similar to languages, frameworks, editors, ... there are a lot of good tools out there waiting for us, to play with them, to extend them, to made our developer life easy and happy. Decide which one to use is a matter of taste.

    Talking about oh-my-zsh themes, you can use existing one as a base and create your own, for instance:

    BTW do you use iTerm2 or just terminal app?

    1. Of course that I am using iTerm2, it is awesome.. the broadcast functionality have earned my heart (as a sysadmin).

  2. BTW of getting rid of RVM you should check rbenv:

    For me it's a lot better way to manage different ruby versions.

    And for handling the install and build of ruby, rbenv has a nice plugin:

    \m/ keep rocking.
